Thursday, September 10, 2015

Return to My Roots

Today I decided to return to my roots a bit and play some Steven Curtis Chapman while taking Hannah to school (she goes in the afternoons).  Nathan recently bought his Re:Creation album that has some of his oldie but goodies and some new songs.  The very first song is called Do Everything.  Without fail, this song has always brought tears to my eyes after the first verse:
Your picking up toys on the living room floor for the fifteenth time today
Matching up socks
Sweeping up lost cheerios that got away

You put a baby on your hip
Color on your lips and head out the door

While I may not know you,
I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes, does it matter at all?
I tear up because in that moment I think, "Well, if no one else notices, atleast Steven does!"  (chuckle...)  Then, of course, I remind myself that my husband does notice and more importantly my Jesus sees me.  It's just this, very little of my life looks like what I thought it would and the kids don't always behave the way I think they need to and my days just don't go the way I planned!  But, evenmore, I don't look very much like what I thought I would. I think that's what is hardest to gulp down.  I sometimes ask God why He made me an idealist if none of them were to come to fruition, but He knows that I need Him more than I need a perfect day, a perfect life, or...a  And here's what just tenderizes my heart over and over again - He wants me now before the ideal even has a chance.  So, maybe I'm a little more like my Father than I think; He doesn't mind the scratched up, torn up, vintage pieces either.  I just fall more and more in love with Him as I ponder that.

So, for our listening pleasure two music videos.  The first one cracks me up, and that's a good thing for someone like me who just needs to lighten up a little (a lot!).

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